
Mind games

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Mind games
Games to make you think

The 5+5 game

You are given the number 5, 4 seperate times, you can add, subtract, divide multiply, but you cannot seperate the numbers. You can also combine the numbers, such as, 5, 55, 555, 5555.The object of the game is to get the number 56. Can you do it?

Flat tire 1

A man woke up one morning to find that one of the wheels of his car had a completely flat tire. Despite this he set off in his car and drove 100 miles home. He did not repair or inflate the flat tire. How did he manage to make the journey?

Flat tire 2

Four college students arrived late for a lecture, explaining to their instructor that their car had suffered a flat tire on the way there. How did the clever lecturer immediately show those assembled that the late arrivals were not telling the truth?

The alphabet game

AEFHI what would be the next letter in this problem and why?

Growing younger

Ben was 20 years old in 1980 but only 15 years old in 1985. How come?

The habitual walker

A deaf man was very regular in his habits. He arose every morning at 7:35 a.m. and set off for his half-hour morning walk at 7:45. In the course of this walk he went over a level railroad crossing but he knew he was quite safe because the first train did not come by until 9 a.m. One morning, although he followed his routine exactly, he was run over by a train at the crossing. What went wrong?

The portrait

A man stands looking at a portrait and says,"Sons and brothershave i none, but this person's father is my father's son." Who is in the portrait?

The fallen sign

A man was walking in country unfamiliar to him. He came to a crossroads where he found that the signpost showing the directions of the roads had fallen over. How did he find out which way to go?

The cellar door

A little girl was warned by her parents never to open the cellar door or she would see things that she was not meant to see. One day while her parents were out she did open the cellar door. What did she see?

Games we can't type out
The stick game
Chinese letters
Chinese numbers
The broom game
Black magic
The travel game
The mars game
The fuzz game
Johnny woop